Monday, August 8, 2011

Kitchen Kapers and back to work

So today I got up.....big deal you say....

Well it is always a big deal to is crazy......just like me, and I spread the crazy every where I go.....

Today my Salty who can only make left turns due to Idiopathic Vestibular Disease, was dancing Nascar circles around me to go out he was going to run thru the kitchen but alas...NO the door he went and out with his sister Lyric and Deeners our big black boy with the tuxedo chest. As they ran to and fro, I made coffee and did laundry, while coloring my hair and washing dishes in a dishpan in my bathtub.  Wow, I'm tired already, and I still had to go to work.

So after hurriedly getting ready for work, I left my house and kitchen remodel in the hands of my hubby and the installers yet to show.  I want their hours showed up at 8:30am left at 3pm..... Hubby had to take care of a few things before they could do any more work.

Not to worry, just another reason to run to Lowes and then of course eat dinner OUT.  Have I mentioned I need to take off more than a few pounds. 

Well after the summer off my Salty roo'ed more than just a little bit to let me know how dis-satisfied he is at my return to work.  Like the sofa is just not comfortable enough if I am not home to watch him sleep on it.

Well  I am sure tonight he will plant hineself between me n hubby on the bed as punishment. Mean- while visions of cooking will dance in my head....because that is the only way I'll be cooking.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something New

I am sure no one will be interested in what I have to say, but some days you just make a decision and go with it. Today is that day. I need a place to vent, love, whine and......  in general unload the things that touch me wether they be good- bad -ugly or indifferent.

I am sure as I go along it will grow and evolve, there are many things I think I want to put into words, and so I deciced to take that step. I have friends that have Blogs and they have inspired me.

So if you stop in as I grow with this blog and read along then be sure to share your thoughts.

I have many interests, as time goes by I will share them with you. I will have to learn my way around this whole blogging thing, so bear with me.
Salty's mom