Sunday, August 7, 2011

Something New

I am sure no one will be interested in what I have to say, but some days you just make a decision and go with it. Today is that day. I need a place to vent, love, whine and......  in general unload the things that touch me wether they be good- bad -ugly or indifferent.

I am sure as I go along it will grow and evolve, there are many things I think I want to put into words, and so I deciced to take that step. I have friends that have Blogs and they have inspired me.

So if you stop in as I grow with this blog and read along then be sure to share your thoughts.

I have many interests, as time goes by I will share them with you. I will have to learn my way around this whole blogging thing, so bear with me.
Salty's mom

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